Having a registered mobile number enables you to stay informed of all transactions. Additionally, it protects you against banking fraud. You should be required to connect your bank account with your registered cellphone number first. It can make it simple to comprehend every little thing about your bank account. You can manage your bank account whether you’re at home or on the go without going in person. A bank account number serves as the account’s primary identifier. It’s a one-of-a-kind number. Every account holder has a unique account number; no two banks have the same account number. Banks use distinct codes at the beginning of account numbers to separate them. In this article, we are sharing information about How to Find Bank Account Number.
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What is Bank Account Number?
Bank account numbers refer to financial accounts maintained by financial institutions. It is easy to identify a person’s bank account using their account number. A unique characteristic of this account number is that none of the banks or account holders have the same number.
- In order to keep track of the account numbers of their branches, banks use different codes for their branches.
- Account holders can deposit money into their accounts or withdraw money using their account numbers.
- Banking operations are carried out through various types of accounts offered by banks.
- There are many types of accounts: savings accounts, current accounts, credit cards, overdraft accounts, loans, and time deposits
- The account number of a person can be found at the bottom of the check, on the passbook, and on the mobile application of the bank.
- The length of an account number varies, although it normally consists of nine to eighteen numbers.
How to Find Your Bank Account Number
There are various ways of finding your bank account number. However, the most common ways to find your bank account number are explained below
Find Your Account Number on Check
If you have a check, look for the second series of numbers on the bottom. The bank’s 9-digit routing number is the first set of numbers written on the left-hand side of the bottom of a check. Your account number is the second set of numbers, usually 10-12 digits long. The check number is the third and shortest set of numbers written at the bottom. A pair of identical symbols will be placed around the number. For example, the account number could be “0123456789.” [2]
Find Your Account Number on the Bank statement
If you have access to one, look at a digital or print bank statement. Each bank statement you receive, whether it arrives in your inbox online or in your mailbox as a printed statement, will have your account number printed on it. Look for a 10–12-digit number labeled “Account Number” on a recent bank statement. It’s normally found at the very top of the document, on the right or left side.
Find Your Account Number on a Mobile Banking Website or App
In order to find your account number online, use a mobile banking website or app. On a computer, go to your bank’s website, or on your phone or tablet, go to their mobile app. To see an overview of your account, you need to sign in and click on the tab. The account number is usually listed on this page. If it isn’t there, look through the website or use the “Help” feature to locate it.
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Find Your Account Number by Contacting the Bank
If everything else fails, contact your bank. Call the customer care number on the back of your credit/debit card or seek it up online. You’ll very certainly be asked for your name, address, and social security number in order for them to verify your identification. After that, they will then provide you with your account number.
If you write down the number, keep it in a secure location, such as your wallet or a filing cabinet.
How to Safeguard Your Bank Account
Here we are sharing a few tips and tricks to safeguard your bank account to prevent any fraud and unwanted transactions.
- Use Secure Internet Connection/ WiFi
To access your accounts online, use a secure Internet connection. You should not check your bank account in a coffee shop, store, or train station, despite the fact that you may be tempted to do so. Identity theft can occur if you use an insecure WiFi connection. Only use a secure Internet connection to access your accounts online or through a mobile app.
- Use Secure Websites
Only use secure websites to enter your account number. If you need to give your account number to pay bills or transfer money online, make sure the site is secure. Because the “s” stands for “secure,” the website URL should begin with “HTTPS.” Before entering your account number, look for a lock icon and/or the word “Secure” in the top left corner of the address bar. If none of these items are available, do not input your account number because your data may not be kept private.
- Be Aware of Your Online Purchase
Online buying should not require you to disclose your account number, so if you found that website is asking for your account number for payment, do not enter any kind of details related to your bank account.
- Keep Track of Your Bank Statements and Checks
Keep your checkbook and bank statements out of sight in your home or automobile. Instead, open and read your statements as soon as they arrive, then file them and any other documents containing your account information in a secure location, such as a filing cabinet. Keep your checkbook in a safe place as well to prevent outsiders from discovering your account information, and shred old cheques and bank statements.
- Keep an Eye on Your Bank Account
Keep an eye on your account for signs of fraud on a frequent basis. It’s critical to review your checking and savings account bank statements on a frequent basis. You need to check your account on a regular basis that all of your purchases have been charged correctly. If you see any charges you didn’t authorize, call your bank right away for detailed information.
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Check accounts number