The Haryana government will soon launch the ‘One Block, One Product‘ scheme to encourage and promote small businesses in rural areas, according to Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala.
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What is One Block One Product Scheme?
Haryana’s state government intends to connect every block of the state with some sort of industrial vision under the ‘One block one product scheme’ and the government is working quickly on this.
Haryana’s ‘One District, One Product‘ Scheme, which is being implemented under MSME, has emerged as a model across the country, according to the Deputy Chief Minister. “It has also been adopted by the Central Government in its budget,” he said in a statement.
At the time of promoting the scheme, he also said that the state government would implement it at the block level in rural areas also. The cluster will set up arrangements for common services, transportation, lab testing, packaging, and accountancy. Haryana’s ‘One District, One Product‘ Scheme, which is being implemented through MSME, has become a model for the rest of the country.
One Block One Product Scheme Features
Some of the features of this scheme are as under:
- The scheme will be implemented in 137 blocks across the state, with each constituency being linked to specific industries.
- Arrangements will be made within the cluster for more general services, laboratory testing, transportation,packaging, and accounting.
- The project will assist small entrepreneurs in rural areas in competing with large corporations.
- A project implementation team was formed, and they began selecting industrial products for 137 constituencies.
- Under the Directorate of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Haryana Micro launched the ‘One District, One Product‘ project in 2020.
One Block One Product Scheme Benefits
Following are the benefits of this scheme:
- The small entrepreneurs in rural areas would be able to compete with large industries as a result of this scheme.
- Every block of the state will be connected with some industrial vision.
- ‘One District, One Product’ Scheme which is being implemented under MSME, has come up as a model across the country.
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana
Haryana is going to introduce the ‘One Block One Product’ Scheme.
Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala launched this scheme.
137 Blocks across the state will implement the scheme with arrangements for common services, packaging, lab testing, transportation, and accounting made in the cluster itself.