What is CIN Number (Corporate Identification Number): Registration, Charges

All Private Limited Companies (PLCs), One Person Companies (OPCs), Companies Owned by the Government of India, State Government Companies, Not-for-Profit, Nidhi Companies, and other entities registered in India are given a 21-digit alpha-numeric number known as a Corporate Identification Number (CIN). The Registrar Of Companies (ROC) of various states under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs issues a CIN Number, which is a unique identifying number (MCA). Companies registered in India are given a CIN number by the ROCs situated around the country.

About CIN Number

After an enterprise is registered with the ROC, its Corporate Identification Number is used to track all of its activities. This number contains an organization’s identity as well as extra information about the ROC-registered corporation. The ROC can access the company’s information via a 21-digit alphanumeric unique identification number.

The CIN contains significant information, such as:

  • Year of Incorporation (Example: 2020)
  • State code (Example: DL- Delhi)
  • Type of Company (Example: PLC – Public Limited Company)
  • Listing status (Example: L – Listed)

The Certificate of Incorporation also contains this information.

What is CIN Number

Decoding CIN Number

A CIN number is divided into six pieces, each of which is discussed below using an of example Corporate Identification Number:

U   12345   DL   2020   PLC   098765

U: Listing Status

12345: Industry Code

DL: State Code

2020: Incorporation Year

PLC: Ownership

098765: Registration Number

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The company’s listing status is indicated in the first section. The alphabet will be ‘L’ if the company is listed, and ‘U’ if it is not. The industry code is represented by the next part of 5 numbers. ROC assigns a unique industry code to any company that does business in a specific industry. The next two numbers are the State Code, which indicates that the company was registered with the Registrar of Companies and that its registered office is in a specific state. The year of establishment of the company, which employs four extra digits in the Corporate Identification Number, appears after the state code.

The next three digits indicate whether the firm is a private or limited company, a government of India company, a not-for-profit organisation, a one-person company, or a state government company. The company’s RoC code is represented by the final six digits, and all of these parts combine to generate a 21-digit unique CIN number.

Decoding Corporate Identification Number

The Use of a CIN Number

The Corporate Identification Number is used to track all elements of a registered company beginning with its ROC date of formation. This one-of-a-kind number/code is primarily utilised during audits and when presenting reports or submitting forms to MCA. CIN must be printed on all official firm publications, invoices, MCA’s website e-form, letterheads, memos, notices, and bills. This number can also be used to trace and identify companies that are already registered with the ROC or MCA for informational purposes.

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Obtaining a CIN Number (Company Identification Number)

The corporation can obtain a Corporate Identification Number by going to the MCA’s official website. Filling up an application form and submitting the necessary documentation. Finally, after MCA has reviewed and approved your payment, you must submit it to acquire your CIN number.

Factors that Cause the CIN value to Vary

  • If the status of a company’s listing changes in any way.
  • If there is a change in the registered office’s location or state in India.
  • If the company’s industry changes.
  • If the company’s industry shifts.

Abbreviations in CIN number

  • FLC: Financial Lease Company as Public Limited
  • FTC: Subsidiary of a Foreign Company as Private Limited Company
  • GAP: General Association Public
  • GAT: General Association Private
  • GOI: Companies owned by the Government of India
  • NPL: Not-for-Profit License Company
  • PLC: Public Limited Company
  • PTC: Private Limited Company
  • SGC: Companies owned by State Government
  • ULL: Public Limited Company with Unlimited Liability
  • ULT: Private Company with Unlimited Liability

Non-compliance Carries a Penalty

If the foregoing requirements are not completed, or if a company does not apply for a CIN number, the firm and each officer are subject to a penalty fee of Rs. 1000 each day, with a maximum penalty charge of Rs. 1 lakh.

Company Registration Processes in India
Private Limited Company RegistrationMicro Finance Company RegistrationPartnership Firm Registration
LLP RegistrationNidhi Company RegistrationProprietorship Firm Registration
Copyright RegistrationISO CertificationNBFC Registration
Public Ltd Company RegistrationTrademark Registration

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Procedure for Obtaining CIN Number

  • The CIN of a corporation can be found on the MCA website by following the steps below:
  • Go to the MCA’s website to learn more.
Procedure for Obtaining CIN Number
  • On the home page, select the ‘MCA Services’ tab.
  • Under the ‘Company Services’ option, select the ‘Find CIN option from the drop-down list.
  • Choose the option to ‘Search Based on Existing Company / LLP Name.’
  • Under the ‘Existing Company’ option, type the company name, input the captcha code, and click the ‘Search’ button.
Obtaining CIN Number
  • The CIN of the company will be displayed.


How do I get a CIN?

A CIN is an alphanumeric number assigned to a company by the Registrar of Companies on the date of its registration. The CIN is listed in the company’s Certificate of Incorporation. When a business is formed and approved by the Registrar of Companies, it is automatically assigned a CIN number.

Is LLP assigned a CIN?

No. The Registrar of Companies assigns a CIN to a registered company and an LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). As a result, CINs are only assigned to firms that are registered under the Companies Act of 2013, not to LLPs.

Is the CIN and GST the same thing?

No. A CIN is a unique number assigned to registered businesses by the Registrar of Companies at the time the certificate of incorporation is issued. GSTIN, on the other hand, is a unique number assigned to companies and businesses that have registered under the GST statute. As a result, they are distinct and serve distinct purposes.

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